Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hey look! I'm twelve again!

This post is rated N for nested brackets and L for links.

Apparently I've matured from the six that I usually act. :) Last night was SO much fun! Dave and I went out to Mundy Park to play night time Capture the Flag with the Saturday in the Park people. We got to see some people we hadn't seen for a while (Hi Ryan. *waves* Ryan found my blog and Ryan was skimming for his name last night, so...Ryan, Ryan, RYAN. [Who says I don't pander to my readers? Yeah, that's right. {Actually, I don't think anyone does. (because I don't have enough to pander to. [Although the nested brackets are for Gwynabella. {I didn't really need all these, did I?}])}]) and I'm just going to start a new sentence to talk about who else we saw. Four years (and apparently three weeks) ago, Dave and I met each other in a class at SFU called "Cyberspace: The Next Canadian Frontier". We also met NoNameYet there at the same time. Last night, we met a girl named Sarah who remembered me from somewhere, and we figured it was because we both did English majors at SFU. It wasn't until after the festivities and we were drinking our celebratory hot chocolate that Dave remembered that we had all been in that class together. How very weird! Fate! That class was literally the only class that fit into my schedule that summer, so I've always figured it was fate that I was in there with Dave and NoNameYet...and now meeting Sarah again, I'm confirming it. Apparently there were discussions with her that included the two of us defending the fact that two guys kissing was sexy (there had previously be assertations that two women kissing were [was? I hate figuring out that...] sexy). So, it seems that this person would be someone to keep track of.

Especially since we were singing songs from the Buffy musical all the way to Tim Hortons!! (WTF, why doesn't Tim Horton's website automatically go from .com to .ca? I'm annoyed...but not enough to boycott.)

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