Tuesday, August 26, 2003

'd rather be napping.

But I can't. I'm at work. :p So I'm blogging before my break ends. I would just like to make a small request...ahem...


Thank you. It was teasing a little on the way to work today, and it's a chilly, damp, cream of soup kind of day, but there hasn't been much rain at ALL. *grumble* Yeah, Ontario people...you had a couple days in the dark...whoopdy do...our Interior doesn't have much power either, and it's BURNING DOWN!

I need soup. I think I will have my third hot chocolate of the day instead, because I don't have time to go to the store and pick up a Cup of Noodles.

I would like to make a note that this lip balm really is da bomb. :)

I need to return my carbon to the fish store...apparently guppies don't need it, and apparently gravel isn't too good for them either. Something about them eating food and resting on the bottom of tanks at night or something. I don't know. I think I will go back to Big Al's and get a small nursery tank, but not right away. We'll see if my fish can even get themselves knocked up or not.

Thursday is the day. Thursday I will do some corporate whoring, and apply to a bunch of big companies to see if I can get a full time job for September-ish. Grrr...I don't like it, but I like money. And if I'm going to be responsible for a bunch of little bratty guppies, I'm going to have to have money so I can move out so I can have space to so I can have more fish tanks. Ooh...a fish room...I would loooooove that...it can double as my library. :)

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