Monday, August 18, 2003


Meh. I decided to bring one of my criminology texts to work today to read during my break. What do I do instead? I blog. :) Oh well.

Reasons why this filing stuff is better than retail:
1) I don't deal with customers or clients.
2) Free coffee and tea! Hot water on demand!
3) I can blog on my breaks.

That being said...I need to find a real job ASAP. My mother has been making some comments around the house like "So, not that I'm rushing you or anything...but when are you planning to move out?" My goal is to be out of there by May I've got 9 months to save up enough money for the rest of a downpayment, plus a good cushion in case of job loss etc.

I feel somewhat developmentally crippled. I'm 23 and still living at home. I feel as if I'm missing out on something. Don't know.

Feeling good though, because damn do I look hot today. Candyman took me shopping over the weekend because I have no taste in clothes (not that he'd ever say that...) and I have some damn sexy outfits now.

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