Saturday, August 16, 2003

The air is wild tonight

I heard a poem tonight from the stars? The wind? The moon? I don't know. Anyway, it felt more like an invocation, and while I was driving home from Candyman's house reciting it to myself so I wouldn't forget, I glanced over into a mini-van that was playing some pretty nice music. A cute, young guy was driving and we both because I was kind of in tune with the universe. Him, apparently because he thought I was pretty. The light changed, we drove off, but I was still floating a little. I turned off onto a feeder street for my house, and he did too (he was in front of me) and he started to pull into a mini-mall complex. I considered following (incredibly briefly) but decided that I was being stupid. So I kept going and he pulled out of the mall and started following me, a car back. Um...ooookay...

The car in front of him turned off and he continued to follow me and flashed his brights once. Um...getting a little nervous now. I didn't want to stop in front of my house, so I stopped a little down the street where there were lots of cars parked outside houses. He stopped beside me in the minivan and we traded names, ages and the facts that he thought I was really pretty and that I had a boyfriend. He asked if I wanted to go have some fun...and Mother, it was strangely tempting. We chatted for a few minutes, then we went our separate ways.

It was strange. I don't know if it was because of my being in tune with the universe, or if I invoked him somehow, or what, but I was seriously tempted to go with him. Stupid, baka, dumbdumbdumb...but still... I don't know. It's hard to put all this into words.

Quick, from Winnipeg, 20 years old, cute. :)

Here's the poem that I was writing. It's pretty much a first draft, and only the first two lines were ready while I was in the car. The rest came to me after I wrote the first while I was sitting on my front steps, half hoping he would come back. Well, a quarter hoping... Either way, it's really rough meter, but it the wind was tonight. Nature doesn't scatter leaves evenly, and I didn't scatter the rhymes or rhythm evenly either. This is the first truly inspired poetry I've done since about grade seven.

The Air Is Wild Tonight
I am a child of the wind and the flame
Of the grove and the rain.
A creature of light, and of love and of life.
A creation of dust and of mud.
A Lover of beauty and blood.
Fate holds a hand
The stars take the other
And breath is received
'neath the gaze of the Mother.

A carpet, a blanket, a dimmer of sight
To listen and give and receive and rejoice.
To sing and to love and believe in the light
A thousand stories to tell and be told
A thousand mysteries, lost out of sight.
With a million places to run to and see
Somewhere perhaps is a life for me.

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