Sunday, March 14, 2004

Reading a book

Or, "How to use variations of the word 'obsess' as many times in one post as possible"

Of course, this isn't unusual as most of the people who know me will realize. In fact, usually I'm reading about eight books at once. This book's a little different though. It's The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. I'll be the first to admit that I can be a little obsessed with my looks. This is shown less with an obsession with clothes and high fashion, but comes out more with occasional runs to the mall which involve bloating my makeup bag with "expensive crayons" which I will use obsessively for about three days, and then will vanish into the cupboard under my bathroom sink for a year or so. This obsession also manifests itself in fixation about my weight. I'm a fairly healthy weight...usually between 160 and 165 lbs, not bad considering that I'm around 5'8 or so. This has never been enough for me.

Reading this book has taught me several things, as I jokingly pointed out to several people over the last several days. One, men are in control of everything and the only reason that women have such an obsession with their appearance is because of a false need that men created in order to maintain that control. Two, women are really dumb because we haven't figured this out yet. Three, lipstick is the tool of the devil known as "fashion". Tongue in cheek, but how much of that is real?

So, what have I really learned so far? All I know is that I've learned enough to take down the "Current weight/Ideal weight" goal on my sidebar. If being comfortable with myself enough to do that is all I take away from this book, it's worth the ten bucks I spent on it.

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