Sunday, March 21, 2004


Candyman writes about "coming of age". The italics are his post, the stuff underneath is my comments and the bold is my extra comments.

I turned 19 many moons ago...almost 88 in fact. That said, not being a drinker at all, and since I tend not to really celebrate my birthday, but that's another issue. So I'm trying to figure out whether or not there's a suitable passing of the torch, coming of age, or whatever you want to call it. You know for celebrating when the boy becomes a man. So this is a request for suggestions. What is a suitable celebration for this once in a lifetime event?

I think that the usual response these days is "strippers and booze". It's kind of sad though...we really DON'T have any specific cultural "coming of age" for boys, or girls for that matter. I mean, I suppose that girls have their monthly event, but there's really nothing public or official about growing up. No more hunting your first buffalo, etc. Maybe that's one of the reasons why our society has so many childish adults...they don't have something milestone-ish to aspire to, and therefore they don't.

I think that one of the issues of not having a cultural milestone is the blurring of the lines between adulthood and childhood. As you mentioned in a previous post, maturity is somehow bestowed based on a number of days that you exist on the planet, and there's something inherently wrong about that. I know some thirty year olds who I wouldn't trust with a sharp stick, and I know several teenagers or young adults who I would trust to deliver a baby...given that they had some medical training. :)

Now, seeing as this comment is longer than your post...I'm going to transcribe it into my blog. :)

Incidentally, something that I really hate is know...where someone who's five or more years older is all like "Oh, you're so'll get over it." or some other variation of that. I mean, sure you've got more experience time-wise than I do, but I've made some way better decisions than you did when you were my age, so looking back on your life I'm way farther ahead than you were at this time. Don't tear down my accomplishments because you fracked up your life. Ok, I'm done now.

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