Wednesday, March 24, 2004

It tastes awful...but it works.

Ooohahhh!!! Just downed teaspoon number two of Buckley's cough syrup...had another dose about two hours ago. I have to be pretty much dying before I'll drink that fact, it's going to be the acid test for whether my kids are sick enough to stay home from school or not. "Ok, you can stay home, but you're drinking a dose of Buckley's every two hours."

I'm just glad it didn't come back up like the stuff I took this morning. :p What is it with me and puking when I have a cold? That never used to happen when I was a kid.

So, my head and legs are aching like crazy, I've got crap in my nose and lungs and I'm exhausted, but can't sleep or focus on reading or anything. TV and computer screens make my headache worse. :( I'm in baaaaad shape ladies and gentlemen.

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