Sunday, July 30, 2006


Yesterday was AWESOME. I took my last antibiotic pill, then fell asleep before the taste invaded my mouth (about half an hour after taking it). By the time I woke up again, the taste had dissipated (about 3-4 hours after taking). I am pleased.

Things to do today, in order of the way they really should be done.
-start laundry pile #1
-work on IEP assigment
-swap laundry #1, put in laundry #2, continue working on assignent
-swap laundry #2, put in laundry #3, put away laundry #1 and the rest of laundry hanging around my room
-swap laundry #3, put in laundry #4, put away laundry #2 (I have a lot of clothes, ok?), finish IEP assignment
-do the laundry swap, start to memorize the glossary of my assessment text (I'm going to write about this class at some point...)
-apply for school boards and the BCCT.
-laundry swap, clean my kitchen to prepare for the massive room clean
-start the wash of fabric that is still around, start moving stuff into boxes and boxes into the kitchen.
-create giant empty space in room part and huge enormous stacks of stuff in kitchen part.
-work on secret project #1 and consider secret project #2.
-go visit Dave where he's doing an Ultimate clinic workshop thingie all day.
-watch "Blade: The Series", "Kim Possible" and "The Simpsons" that my computer has recorded for me.
-collapse into bed with a smile on my face, knowing that I got a lot done and my week will be easier because of it.

Prediction of things I'll actually get done today
-watch "Blade: The Series", "Kim Possible" and "The Simpsons" that my computer has recorded for me.
-read blogs and webcomics
-check my email
-play Minesweeper or Spider Solitaire
-work on secret project #1 and consider secret project #2.
-take a nap
-half-assedly start some laundry.
-collapse into bed and realize that DAMMIT! I didn't actually get anything done. Chastise self for wasting weekend.

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