Friday, October 24, 2003

Workin' Girl...

Some of the coolest things about working in a craft store are when I'm on a till.

I get to make the same jokes over and over and over, and the audience is always new. :)
I am fortunate to see the amazing potential that people have to imagine and create things.
I see what's on sale.
I get to talk to people who have the same interests as me, and pick up tips and give them out.

Gawdamn...I love my job. Even though I was supposed to be off at 2, and didn't get my first break until 1:55 (started at almost five hours), and it was busy the whole time, and I had to stay until 5, but didn't get out of there until almost 5:30...damn, I love my job.

I learned how to knit a couple of days ago from a book. I'm knitting a purple/blue/gray scarf out of variagated wool and as soon as I can do well without dropping all my stitches all over the place I'm going to do a burgandy and gold "Gryffindor" scarf. I like. Fun stuff. It's very relaxing...which is good because I've got an assignment from hell due Monday. :p So, I'm going to do my FF now. :D

(edit: No Friday Five? FINE. I'll DO my homework. See if I bloody well care.)

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