Thursday, October 09, 2003

Friday Five! Friday Five!

Ha ha! Got mine out first-ish...

1. Do you watch sports? If so, which ones?
Considering the nature of the last! I'll also watch any playoff games that BC/Canadian national teams are in. Or if someone in my house is watching a game.

2. What/who are your favorite sports teams and/or favorite athletes?
Vancouver Canucks: Markus Naslund, Todd Bertuzzi and Dan Cloutier
BC Lions: I liked Damon Allen when we had him. I was at the game he threw the yards record... That was pretty cool.

3. Are there any sports you hate?
Not really. I'm not a huge fan of car racing (sorry Justy...) but I haven't been exposed to it much.

4. Have you ever been to a sports event?
Yep, lots. About a half dozen Canucks games last year, including a playoff game, BC Lions games, several Whitecaps (European Football [aka soccer]) games, a WWF (now WWE) event and probably a few others I can't think of right now.

5. Do/did you play any sports (in school or other)? How long did you play?
Ultimate frisbee, for the last year and a half. Various martial arts, on and off for the last three years. I'm currently in karate.

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