Sunday, October 19, 2003


Where's this all from? Why,, of course!

1. Name five things in your refrigerator.
Homemade bottle of apple/grape wine, fish tank chemicals, water which keeps dripping down from the freezer and not draining, a 12 can box of coke with only one can in it and a half bottle of fruit punch (Candyman, I want that OUT of my fridge. Throw it out your own damn self. :) )

2. Name five things in your freezer.
Non-solid freezing icepacks for my face, Michelina's broccoli and alfredo pasta dish, an "ice lantern" mold for creating lanterns for tea lights, waffles that my mom couldn't fit in the upstairs freezer and half a bottle of vodka.

3. Name five things under your kitchen sink.
About eight thousand plastic bags, powdered bathroom cleanser, a dishrack, wine bottles and stuff from when I was in a "I'm going to grow poisonous plants and make nasty poisons out of them" phase (don't ask...or do ask in the comments!)

4. Name five things around your computer.
Myst-3 pack software, a sign from Homestar Runner set up like a dialogue box saying "This is real. System report: Everything is fine. Nothing is ruined.", a bunch of coloured printer paper, a fax machine and a printer that isn't hooked up to anything and has inexplicably been on since 2001.

5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet.
Birth control pills, belly button jewellery and antiseptic (six different "flavours"!!), Monistat 7, anti-cramp pills, hair care products (you all probably didn't really want to know some of that...)

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