Monday, November 06, 2006

Hooray for good stuff!

We had brilliant Ultimate weather tonight...there was no rain, it was about 10-12 degrees Celsius, so I wasn't freezing my butt off, there wasn't much wind, except to cool me down a bit...just a fantastic evening.

AND...I scored my first point this season, and played some wicked good defense.

Good gosh, a post about something that isn't my big four!

Well, better remedy that. :)

I've now heard from my references that two different school districts have called them. SD-A called about two weeks ago, and SD-B called at least one of them last week. Neither of these districts were my original first choice, but looking into them, I'm really excited to be a part of either! :) The positives: both districts are growing. Negatives: both are in the opposite direction of where I want to live.

Details. :) Right now, I just want an interview...

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