Thursday, July 15, 2004


I REALLY don't like some of the stuff Blogger's doing. I want my default to be "edit in HTML" not WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). *grumble* My stomach hurts. I think I'll go grab a coke slurpee (yup, THAT kind of hurts) before Ultimate tonight.

I'm almost finished my first paper. Thank Deities.

I saw Halle Berry on Leno just now cracking a single tail. Ye gods. Pretty lady. :) Despite the storyline not having anything to do with the comics, I'm looking forward to Catwoman. Any time I get to enjoy watching a woman kicking ass is good times for me. I get all inspired again. :) Short attention span requires that I get inspired frequently.

Sorry for the boring posts lately, but I've been mostly working on papers and avoiding working on papers. As soon as they're finished I plan on doing a bunch of knitting. I have a couple of projects going (Drew's blanket WILL be finished before she's one!) and enough yarn now to clothe a medium sized village. I truly have a sickness. I have decided that yarn is no longer allowed to go on clearance at work, and if it does, people are not allowed to draw my attention to it by bringing it through my till. :) Incidentally, if anyone is going to make...I don't know...a baby blanket...CHECK YOUR GAUGE!! This blanket is about three times as big as I thought it was going to be. Ah well. It'll be finished by the time it's cold enough for Drew to need it, plus it'll be big enough for her to use until she's in kindergarten. :)

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