Monday, November 24, 2003


I don't know how I feel today. I wrote that crazy post last night late, then worked early this morning, slept most of the day and now I'll need to go to work at midnight. So, I'm feeling kind of numb, but not with the bad connotations of numb. Or something. *sigh*

I think I'll go take a long shower (my most recent relaxation therapy) with my cinnamon candle burning, then watch my guppies for a bit. I restocked my fishtank, and I've already got two dead females. Again. ARGH! It's so frustrating...I thought I fixed the problem with the tank (it was too cold) but now there's not really anything I can do about it.

I'm going to try and get to the gym at 930. Wonder if anyone wants to join me...

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