Thursday, November 06, 2003

Friday Five

You know who it's from

1. What food do you like that most people hate?

2. What food do you hate that most people love?
Nothing I can think of. I get sick of pizza really quickly.

3. What famous person, whom many people may find attractive, is most unappealing to you?
Hmmm...that's a tough one. I guess Eminem. I can't stand the Rock when he's in his "Rock" persona, but I've got serious hots for him in Scorpion King. George Clooney doesn't do much for me either.

4. What famous person, whom many people may find unappealing, do you find attractive?
Sean Connery. I don't really know. *shrug* I think Nicole Kidman is hot, but most people (men and women) I've talked to disagree.

5. What popular trend baffles you?
Low carb diets. Actually, any diet that forces you to deprive yourself of any one food group, or to only eat one thing (cabbage soup diet, etc.)

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