Friday, November 21, 2003

Friday Five

On a Friday, no less! Will wonders never cease?

1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year.
Bake a cake.
Finish a scarf.
Clean my room.
Get The Cheat online
Finish Myst

2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again.
Laura (woo, she got in contact with me this year)
That's about it, really.

3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do.
Drive standard
Start my own business
Be organized

4. List five things you'd do if you won the lottery (no limit).
Buy a big house with my own craft room
Adopt/sponsor/foster some kids
Go to school and take fun courses
Have a horse
Cure diseases

5. List five things you do that help you relax.
Cross stitch
Take a shower, especially with candles (no bathtub in my room. :( )
Cuddle with Candyman

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