Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Turning over a new leaf?

Maybe it's just me, but I find it so amazing when I decide on a course of action and then actually follow through on it. I tend to not do that, so I'm all excited about this. It's amazing. I think I'm probably busier than I was a couple of weeks ago, but I'm SCHEDULING! And even more importantly, KEEPING THE SCHEDULE!

I'm discovering the joys of do lists, shopping lists, budgets, schedules and all that. I'm learning how to budget my time, factoring in time spent getting from one place to another. I'm also learning how to find time where I was wasting it before (webcomics and blog reading takes me roughly half an hour each time I do it, putting stuff away while I'm holding it means I don't have to put it away later, after digging through it to find what I was looking for earlier, etc)

Conversely, I'm also learning that things I dread don't take nearly as long to do as I thought they would...and that music makes things go faster all the time. I don't put off cleaning out a box of stuff. Instead, I do it quickly so I don't have ten boxes to do in a week. Making my bed takes less than a minute. Putting away clothes from my basket (one load of laundry) takes less than five minutes. Gathering up dirty laundry (or better yet, not chucking it on the floor) takes less than a minute. Making up a jug of orange juice instead of drinking Coke takes about a minute, and that includes washing the jug from the last batch.

I'm feeling good about myself, and about my current space. It's slowly being reclaimed and I'm slowly becoming successful personally and professionally.

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