Saturday, February 12, 2005

The post in which I talk about being a witch.

This post is basically a comment I left over at trollzor. He was talking about one of my personal pet peeves, the person who has seen one movie or read one novel and suddenly has become an expert on Wicca or a varient of the pagan religions. (I actually was one of these at one time, when I was about 12. Thank ALL the spirits that only my friends saw it. Yeesh. I'm still embarrassed about it.) Luckily the situation that he describes never came up.

As a (one might say “sane” [ie: not someone who thinks they can light crystals with their minds]) witch, I go to the hospital on a...well, I wouldn’t say REGULAR basis…fortunately I’m not that accident prone, but I definitely get my yearly pap smear done, I get flu shots and anti-biotics and if someone I know slipped and smoked his/her head on the floor, you can be damned sure I’d be standing back and letting the professionals take care of things. However, I also take preventative herbs, or herb derivatives, and I try to prevent unhealth by mind over matter. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t, but I feel mentally healthier a lot of the time. Now, when it comes to medicine, *I* believe that if the “Ancients” had known about antibiotics etc, you’d better believe they would have used them. And witches/healers/shamans weren’t just on the mental/spiritual side of things. They also set broken bones and bashed heads. They didn’t try to stop someone from bleeding by using their minds…they tried to stop infection by using their minds, but only because they didn’t know what it was.

Hoo… Long comment. I guess what I’m really trying to say is, I’m sorry about the fluffy bunnies. Please don’t burn us at the stake.

Something I forgot to add. Magic to me is seeing a baby grow up and learn, seeing crocuses come up every spring, looking at how a seed "knows" what it's supposed to turn into and really amazing sex. It's all a question of energy. I choose to see this stuff more spiritually than scientifically, and more artistically than analytically. I don't see anything wrong with seeing it either way.

Ok, I'm done. Wow. Did anyone actually read to the end of this? Hehe.

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