Friday, February 18, 2005

Of brownies and aging poets

I was soooo good...not eating any of the baking that my mother has been doing post-Christmas. But then she made brownies. With huge chocolate chips in them. Oh dear. I ate just a nibble...and I think I may have a problem now. One involving potential 3 am brownie raids.

I bought my first Leonard Cohen CD today *pictures Justy rolling his eyes* "I'm Your Man" which contains one of my favourite songs of all time, "Everybody Knows". Good stuff. It is currently in my car CD player while the "Phantom of the Opera" CD is in the Leonard Cohen case. Maybe I'll get some new songs stuck in my head.

I've decided to add a new feature for a little while, at least. Every time I post, I must write something that I love about the day. Ta da!

I love: the fact that Dave lets me work on business related stuff for an two three hours in the first time that I've gotten to see him in a non-working capacity this week.

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