Friday, April 08, 2005


Thanks to Kristina's comment in my last post, I realized that my last SIX POSTS are comprised of lists, and one of them has two lists. (Ok, so maybe the hair poll isn't exactly a list, but whatever. I figure it's my "List of things to potentially do to my hair")

So, in the spirit of continuing the list theme, and since it's on my To Do list for the week, here is a list of stuff that I want to buy at some point, and which I must save up for. (And there's even a list within a list!!)

-an apartment or a house
-a new computer (laptop with wireless plzkthx)
-a set of eight matching bookcases. (maybe twelve...note to self: calculate volume of remaining books)
-DVDs: Buffy S2-7, Angel S2-5?, Return of the King extended version, Phantom of the Opera (2005), Wagner's Ring Cycle, various 80's fantasy movies that I don't already own, Queer as Folk S1-5 (I know S5 isn't out yet. Oh well.), The L Word S1
-Magic Bullet Blender OR really really good blender
-80+ gallon fish tank and accompanying paraphenalia
-a cleaning service
-amazing, incredible, fully stocked bar (with hot bartenders!!)
-a craft room/shed/studio
-a crotch rocket style motorcycle (and assorted paraphenalia, and lessons)
-scuba lessons
-(OOH! ANOTHER LIST!) trips to: the United Kingdom, New Orleans during Mardi Gras, Australia, cross-Canada, Times Square on New Years Eve, Brazil for Carnivale, Austria, Greece, Italy, Hawaii, Mexico

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