Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Whee! (sarcasm!)

Random Synapses: now with nesting footnotes.

Still sick. Feeling better...kinda.

Ooh! I have another side effect from the antibiotics! Bad taste in the mouth. Small side effect? Well, yes, compared to uncontrollable vomiting or diarrhea (neither of which I have. *knocks on wood*) but imagine please, the flavour of ear wax* in your mouth ALL THE TIME unless I've just eaten or drank something. Even chewing gum didn't help, since the gum began taking on the flavour. Gah! As you can imagine, this has wreaked some havoc with my eating habits(everyone who knows me commences laughing at the idea that I have eating habits.). Since the only refuge is eating, I'm finding that I'm snacking a lot more. :P Of course, it's not gonna be fruit or crackers or something healthy. Nope, nor will it be water or juice. That'd make FAR too much sense, and if you've read any of my archives, or know me, sense probably isn't what most people associate with me.

*If you must know how I know what ear wax tastes like**, allow me to give you two words. Nail. Biting. Since I was old enough to get a finger in my mouth without poking myself in the eye, I've had the dubious pleasure of learning what many substances taste like.

**Kind of like dandylion "sap" (milk?). REALLY FREAKING BITTER, if you don't know what THAT tastes like.

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