Monday, June 06, 2005

Anger inducing letter and phone call.

To: Karin
From: Teacher Training

Dear Karin,
Thank you for your application...blah blah blah. You have applied to this and that...blah blah blah. Please send Final Official Transcript From Other University. *SCREECHING HALT* HUH?! We have received a transcript with grades to Fall 2004. No shit. That's when I last took courses. Please forward another official transcript AFTER you convocate as your degree and date conferral will not appear until then.

Please send missing items...blah blah blah.

Thank you,
Education Admissions.

So I made the phone call to the Admissions office. Basically, I need to have a degree to be in the program. I *HAVE* my degree, but I never did the cap 'n' gown thing, nor do I hold the piece of paper that says "Hey, you've got a BA in Pretentious English" (which is going to be the title of my shelf of English textbooks...but I digress). So I need to have that piece of paper, although I've already got WAY more than enough credits to have my BA. This pisses me off because I'm still kind of working towards getting a minor or three...meh.

So, I now need to get a note from a faculty advisor saying that yes, I have all the credits necessary, and yes, I'm convocating in October.

Oh. By the way. I'm convocating in October. Cap, gown and all. Ugh.

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