Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Woman's Day

Women's Day? Womyn's Day? Bah. Whatever...it's all good.

So last night I had a meltdown. I had stayed up ridiculously late reading a new blog (VeryMom, if you're interested) and rereading the archives from another blog (la petite banane), even though I was exhausted. Stupid of me...especially since I'd stayed home from hanging out with Dave in order to get to bed early. I got to bed, wrote in my dead-tree journal and lay awake until nearly four, hatred churning through me for wasting nearly six hours that I should have been sleeping, working on the business, exercising, cleaning or cleaning. I also had the joy of the worst case of baby fever that I've had in months. Grrrr.

I finally fell asleep and woke up with a crick in my neck, a headache from the crick and still feeling like crap. I considered doing yoga, getting up or taking a shower, and promptly went back to sleep.

So yeah. I'm kind of grumpy. I considered phoning several different people, but I didn't feel comfortable calling and waking up their entire house...either that or I knew that they needed sleep for various reasons and "I'm feeling sad" just didn't cut it for me to disturb them.

On the plus side, this is one of the few major meltdowns I've had in the last six months. A few years ago I was having at least one a week. Progress...

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