Sunday, August 08, 2004

My layer quiz


· Name: Karin
· Birth date: October 10
· Birthplace: Royal Columbian Hospital, New Westminster BC, Canada (my dad and grandad were born there too.)
· Current Location: Coquitlam, my parent's living room. Bleah.
· Eye Color: hazel
· Hair Color: currently dark red...often other colours
· Height: 5ft 8 inches
· Righty or Lefty: Righty
· Zodiac Sign: Libra


· Your heritage: Scottish (3rd gen) on my dad's side, Austrian (1st gen) on my mom's.
· The shoes you wore today: awesome black leather goth-y ankle boots
· Your fears: water monsters, failing the people I love, never moving out of my parent's house.
· Your perfect pizza: tandoori chicken, prawns and bacon (had it in London at midnight in the common room of the hostel)
· Goal you'd like to achieve: see the world, start a family, run my own business


· Your most overused phrase in an online messenger: ... or "hmmm"
· Your thoughts first waking up: I have to go to the bathroom.
· Your best physical feature: email me to find out. ;)
· Your bedtime: whenever I get so exhausted that I finally collapse.
· Your most missed memory: not really sure.


· Pepsi or Coke: Coke. Not that vanilla coke crap though. Bleah.
· McDonald's or Burger King: McD's...but I'm trying to quit.
· Single or group dates: never been on a group date before, I don't think
· Adidas or Nike: I'm against Nike.
· Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Raspberry nestea
· Chocolate or vanilla: get chocolate in rocky road and half baked ice cream. I also like chocolate cake better. Yum. Dark chocolate...droool.
· Cappuccino or coffee: frappacino.


· Smoke: Sometimes I'll have a puff, but only when I get way too drunk...then I have an asthma attack and don't do it again until the next time.
· Cuss: not usually, although I've been swearing more lately. I said "bullshit" in front of my mom today.
· Sing: Yup. I was in choir from grade 3-grade 7 and I've been in church musicals and I was in a play at school where i got to sing.
· Take a shower everyday: most of the time.
· Have a crush(es): Occasionally. I like having safe, unrequited crushes. It makes my life feel more interesting.
· Do you think you've been in love: I am right now. :)
· Want to go to college: In university right now.
· Like(d) high school: hated it. Despised it. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. Almost.
· Want to get married: eventually.
· Believe in yourself: sometimes. depends on my mood
· Get motion sickness: Yup. Cars, trains, the world spinning a little two fast.
· Think you're attractive: depends on my mood.
· Think you're a health freak: HELL no. I'd like to be more health freakish.
· Get along with your parent(s): Yes and no.
· Like thunderstorms: Love love LOVE them.
· Play an instrument: I sort of play the piano, flute, saxaphone and penny whistle. I played tenor drum in a pipe band for seven years.


In the past month...

· Drank alcohol: yes
· Smoked: no
· Done a drug: Vitamin "I"-ibuprofin
· Had Sex: yup
· Made Out: yup
· Gone on a date: Date night with Dave a couple times
· Gone to the mall?: Yup. bought the webcam, but that's about it
· Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No...but I've been tempted. I'm glad we don't have the mint oreos in the house. I've eaten almost a whole box of Girl Guide cookies before.
· Eaten sushi: love it, but I haven't had any this month. *pout*
· Been on stage: not this month but I want to again.
· Been dumped: not since grade eight.
· Gone skating: nope...too hot!!
· Made homemade cookies: I've been meaning to.
· Gone skinny dipping: tempted...but didn't.
· Dyed your hair: I think that it's been more than a month
· Stolen anything: nope.



· Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes. :)
· If so, was it mixed company: Of course.
· Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Ugh. yes. Bleah.
· Been caught "doing something": Almost.
· Been called a tease: jest. It's still annoying though
· Gotten beaten up: Only if working out in karate counts...and getting totally beaten down. :p
· Changed who you were to fit in: I think everyone does. I don't show many of my facets to my family for instance.


· Age you hope to be married: Bwa? I would like to be married before I
· Numbers and Names of Children: I have none. I would like two, probably.
· Describe your Dream Wedding: quiet, backyard kind of thing. Not having to invite people I don't want there.
· How do you want to die: Saving someone's life
· Where you want to go to college: SFU. That's where i am now.
· What do you want to be when you grow up: I'm not going to grow up. :)
· What country would you most like to visit: Scotland again, Japan, Russia, Austria


In a guy..

· Best eye color? Doesn't matter
· Best hair color? Doesn't matter
· Short or long hair: I love long hair...but I'll accept short hair as well.
· Height: Doesn't matter
· Best weight: Whatever is healthy for them
· Best articles of clothing: jeans that show off the butt. Or nothing...
· Best first date location: Milestones...upstairs in the bar...third table from the right. (Gee...wonder who I went THERE with.)
· Best first kiss location: *cough* Um...neck...? ;)


· Number of drugs taken illegally: zero
· Number of people I could trust with my life: 4
· Number of CDs that I own: Um...over 100, under 300...
· Number of piercings: seven-three in each ear, one in navel
· Number of tattoos: zero
· Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Well, referring to ME, my name has appeared in the newspaper twice I can think of...obituaries for my Opa and Grannie. I don't know how many other Karins there are out there who've gotten my name in the paper. ;)
· Number of scars on my body: lots. I had nasty nasty chicken pox as a kid. Oh, and I used to scratch myself with needles and other sharp implements all the time...some of those left scars
· Number of things in my past that I regret: don't know. I try to leave them in the past. And not regret them.

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