Thursday, September 18, 2003

*taps the mike*

Uh, hello? Is this thing on? *gazes out over the sea of empty chairs* Whoa. People on the internet DO have a short attention span. :)

Good to see you all again. Thank you for bearing with my through my longest stretch of not-blogging in three months. May it be the longest stretch that ever happens.

Sooooo...not much happening. Spending way too much $$$ at the craft store. Started a huge cross stitch project. Watched the first episode of Alias with Candyman last night. (GREAT show...want to watch it all...I didn't admit it to him, but I'm totally hooked. :) )

Bought my parents their Christmas present today...that's truly disgusting. I only just realized how brutally idiotic that is. Time flows at a seriously different rate in that place. We've got our Hallowe'en stuff and our Christmas stuff all out at the same time, and it's not even October yet. Being surrounded by Christmas stuff all the time is making me feel like the season's approaching really stupidly fast. I have to keep remembering that the school year has only just started. Wow.

I need to go do some cross stitch. And eat. Food. It is the goodness.

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