Tuesday, September 02, 2003

A little late...

Brought to you by Fridayfive.org

1. Are you going to school this year?

2. If yes, where are you going (high school, college, etc.)? If no, when did you graduate?
Simon Fraser University in Burnaby BC. I technically have my degree in English, but I'm going back for a psychology minor.

3. What are/were your favorite school subjects?
English and Psych. Go figure. :) That and Canadian Studies.

4. What are/were your least favorite school subjects?
Always hated P.E. in high school. Now I'm actually pretty active. I didn't dislike history in high school, but I always fell asleep in it. In university I hated "University 101" and Geography 162-Canadian Geography. I hated it both times I took it.

5. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? Why was he/she a favorite?
Yup. My Canadian Studies prof and my Old and Middle English profs. They were just on my wave length I guess. Oh, and my high school English teacher.

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