Sunday, May 08, 2005


I've been contemplating things that are important to me lately, and trying to actually work on them and not waste time on silly things. It's working too. :) I'm being productive and going to bed at night feeling pleased about what I've accomplished throughout the day.

I was reading the newspaper today and found this quote by a Nobel Prize winning physicist that sums up a lot of the way I think.(random movie quote that isn't the actual quote: "You mean the disappearing nuclear physicist husband was simply a red herring?")

"I was born not knowing, and have only a little time to change that here and there."
--Richard Feynman

That's kind of how I am. I love knowing a little bit about lots of things. This may make me appear flighty to people as I jump from one interest to another (karate! Wicca! drawing and painting! guitar! knitting! guppy keeping! writing! gardening! Repeat!) but it's who I am.

For a long time (since I was a kid) I had thought that there was something wrong with me, that my attention couldn't be kept by any one passion long enough to make myself truly skilled at it, but then I realized something. I do have a major passion that has lasted me throughout my life. I am a very good reader and can completely lose myself in a novel or non-fiction work for hours. I can read ridiculously quickly as well, which means that I can absorb great amounts of information in a tiny fraction of the time that it takes others to.

Rather than berating myself for my lack of focus, I'm beginning to celebrate my eclectism and love of knowledge and learning. This is a bold shift for me, and I'm hoping to keep it going.

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