Monday, May 16, 2005

GAH!! Mudaheigaodkjhghghg...ghhdi!

I smashed my second and third toes into the couch this afternoon...three hours later, they're still throbbing. Ow.

I really wanted to kick the couch, but that was kind of what got me into this mess in the first place.

In other news: I got my SFU PDP (teacher training) application in today. I still have some supplemental documentation to give them, but I've got until the end of the month. I spent most of this morning panicking as I realized one after another of things that I didn't have done, or didn't have done properly. (incidentally, finding out that Douglas College's registrar's office is closed on Mondays when I needed FOUR copies of my transcripts...not a way to keep my heart beating regularly) However, it seems everything is ok.

Now for the UBC application.

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