Friday, January 09, 2004


Much cool stuff ensued last night. I finally got to meet d last night at her Wicca study group. I feel very good about this. I'd never thought about trying to practice Wicca with a group before, thinking of myself more as a solitary, or with one other person to mentor me. This is looking good though. :) I'm happy with it.

And not only is d really nice and slightly crazy in the same way that I am, she's also a craft person. *giggle* Who knew?! Hopefully she and I will be able to do a craft day out in the suburbs where a bunch of the good shops are. She's also trying to arrange a day with a bunch of permitting, I'm so there.

Sooooo, Friday Five!

Oh. It's just the same stuff from last week. :( Oh well!

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