Thursday, January 22, 2004

At least it's not about a haircut...

My room smells like fresh laundry...something which occurs on a less than regular basis. I have a ridiculously huge amount of clothes, due to my penchant for hitting V.V. Boutique and stocking up a couple of years ago, and never getting rid of anything. I rarely do the Value Village thing anymore, but I still have an enormous amount of clothes. Hence, I rarely do laundry because I've always got lots of stuff to wear. By the time I get to the end of my pile of clean clothes, they don't smell like fresh laundry anymore. I just felt like posting this. Yeah.

Working tonight from 3:30-9:30, allegedly. I usually go about twenty minutes past the punch out time, which I have no problem with. I'm so tired though. I've been exhausted for the last couple of days, despite sleeping a lot. Not TOO much, which can also make one tired, but enough that I shouldn't be sleepy.

And I think I'm going to dye my hair burgandy tonight. I've had the dye for a week or so, but haven't had a chance to do anything with it.

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