Tuesday, January 02, 2007

No Title

One of the problems with not posting very often is that I will freeze up when I actually sit down at a computer, since there are so many things I want to talk/write about. So, here's a list of things I want to talk about.

1) Christmas
2) my cousin's wedding celebration
3) New Years
4) knitting and my new resolution
5) photography and my new resolution
6) New Years resolutions
7) TV shows I want to/have been watching
8) the amazing amount of interest generated by one of my photos
9) how I'm freaking out slightly about my interview in eight days
10) missing people, but still enjoying doing stuff at home

But, I'm supposed to be working tomorrow at some point, and it's very late, and I've been informed that I'm going on a date with my fabulous boyfriend tomorrow, and I've still got to clear off the yarn on my bed...since I catalogued my entire stash tonight. Oh...my. I took pictures, but I'm not sure I want to post them...so here's a picture of a fingerless glove that I knit instead. The other one is still on the needles, but ought to be finished by tomorrow.

Fingerless Gloves

Sooo...since I don't want anyone else to have free time...here is a link to some free books online. http://www.baen.com/library/

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