Friday, December 01, 2006

The pay-it-forward generic-winter-holiday gift-giving game!

Or: how to make sure more is given than received.

Rachel didn't start it, but that's where I found it. Here's the deal: the first five comments to this post get a present from me! Here's the fine print:

1) It's then your turn to make a similar offer on your blog, obviously.
2) You must be willing to let me have your snail-mailing address, obviously.
3) The present from me will be an 8x10" framed photograph that I've taken. You may offer up whatever you wish. I accept no responsibility for any subsequent participant's offering, obviously.
4) If you really want a present and don't have a blog, please wait until it's apparent I'm not going to get five takers, and I might be willing to entertain your offer.
5) It's okay if you plan to re-gift this present.

In other news...LOOK! It's Day 31! ;)

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