Friday, November 26, 2004

Open Letter

Dear fucking Bitches who decided to make my life miserable today,
(you know who you are...or if you don't, you're going to find yourself dying alone in a "care home" that your children stuck you in so that they didn't need to listen to your idiocy.)
Hi. I just thought that you'd like to know that you did not succeed in completely ruining my day. In fact, today I managed to go for nearly two hours of my shift without crying, which you somehow managed to miss. Next time, make sure you come in right at the beginning when the store opens so that you have a better opportunity to spread your bile around.

Plus, you gave me the opportunity to go and hang out with some trees in the rain, without my jacket, because I couldn't stand the store for a second longer and I preferred to make it look like it was the rain making my face wet.

Smiles, and sunshine.

PS, You're lucky that I didn't puke on you, thanks to the food poisoning I'm currently suffering.

Exercise today: kicking the shit out of the lockers at work

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