Monday, October 25, 2004

Pretty proud of myself

Thursday I had my yearly review at work...they decided I'm doing average on everything except I'm doing better than average at customer service. (all 3/5 and a 4/5) My greatest strength: customer service. Greatest weakeness: customer service (in the form of talking too much to customers.) Tee hee.

So they ran all the numbers through the system and it turns out that I get a $0.26/hour raise, which is $0.24/hour less than I was making as a supervisor. I have no problem with that. I'm so much less stressed as a cashier...I make no decisions, I actually want to go to work some mornings (or at least I don't DREAD going to work). I think that deciding to not be a supervisor was one of the best decisions I ever made. :)

Today, I also had my one and only midterm for the semester. This leaves one paper (due Nov. 17) which I hope to finish by October 31st so I can do NaNoWriMo without anything hanging over me. Then, all I need to do is keep up with readings so I'm ready for finals December 8 and 9. (I think that's when they are.)

So, I'm feeling pretty good about things right now. Or maybe it's just the hair. Or maybe I'm not letting myself realize how many Christmas presents I've decided to make and my brain is mush. Ah well!

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