Saturday, December 25, 2004

Season's Greetings

I slept over at Kit's place last it was fun...stayed up until 230 am talking and giggling...then had to get up grouchily to get driven back home at 8 am. Then I slept until noon.

Family is happy, I am happy, everyone is relatively healthy and I'm seriously unstressed. My dad is bringing me coffee made from his new coffee machine and I've already eaten a ridiculous amount of chocolate this morning.


My new apartment is going to be chock full of stuff. :) This year was The Christmas Of The Small Appliance. Kettle, iron, toaster, MICROWAVE, hand mixer, glass cookware, metal cookware... :D And a series of cookbooks from "The Best of Bridge", which means SWEET AND SOUR CHICKEN WINGS!!!

Loads of chocolate (significantly less now than there was a couple hours ago), $100 cash, $100 gift certificate from Best Buy (glee! DVD's!!), storage cubes, a decorative plate with an American kestrel on it (my favourite type of bird), ground apricot kernels (which I identified immediately in their little ziplock baggie, completely freaking Kit out. LOL), a book by the founder of NaNoWriMo called "No Plot, No Problem"... *sigh* Soooo much. So thankful. :)

Now, it is time to go wrap presents for the family of the Dave. I couldn't wait to give Dave his present, so he got his last night. I'll let him tell you all about it. :)

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