Monday, January 17, 2005

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As I briefly mentioned, I was thinking about becoming a home party consultant for lotions and potions (lubes and bath stuff etc.) as well as a tasteful selection of sex toys (not my first choice...I'd rather there was more with the leather and latex m'self). Last night I stepped off the pier into the water and now I'm starting to swim.

So, here's the deal. I now am officially a consultant. Go me!! Soooooo... Valentine's Day is coming up. Would anyone like to host a sex toy party? There's good hostess rewards and I'm a really fun speaker. Also, if you're considering becoming a consultant, you can talk to me about it as well. I do co-ed or all female (or all male, I suppose, but that's not usually the way it works) parties and my schedule is currently COMPLETELY EMPTY for the time slots that I'd be running parties. This will (hopefully) change as of tonight, since I've already got some party leads.

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