Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Musings about hot chocolate.

1. Toffee hot chocolate is too sweet for me.
2. Very hot hot chocolate on the numb part of my face (from the wisdom teeth) still does damage, even if I can't feel it.
3. If you make hot chocolate hot enough, you can melt marshmallows in it for fifteen minutes.
4. Be careful with #3...see #2.
5. I can kill a bag of marshmallows in five days if the weather is nasty and I drink enough hot chocolate.
6. The weight that I have gained over the last four days is probably due to massive quantities of hot chocolate.
7. Tim Horton's hot chocolate is nowhere near as good as MacDonald's hot chocolate, which is nowhere near as good as the powdered stuff I have at home.
8. I don't miss having half and half in my hot chocolate like I did when I was temping.

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